PPBA Code of Conduct
The PPBA Code of Conduct is strict and serious in our sport. All people associated with the game are always expected to act with sportsmanship, dignity and respect for others. This includes coaches, parents, players and umpires.
Poor sportsmanship includes:
1) Arguing with coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators
2) Using threatening or profane language
3) Baiting or taunting coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators
4) Unsafe play
5) Uncontrolled behavior in the bench area
Poor sportsmanship will carry, at a minimum*, the following consequences:
First Offense: Verbal warning
Second Offense: Dismissal from the game
Third Offense: Dismissal from the next game
Fourth Offense: Dismissal from the team
* Egregious behavior or misconduct could lead to expulsion from the league
We, parent(s) and player, have discussed the PPBA Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it. We understand that there is no refund or recourse for dismissal from our program as a consequence of breaking this Code of Conduct.
The following is an interesting article: Sporting behavior by Timothy Gower.doc