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Pacific Palisades Baseball Association

Pacific Palisades Baseball Association

Necessary Equipment

The registration fee provides a jersey, hat, baseball pants, and socks to each child for use during league games.

A uniform consists of a pair of baseball pants, sliding pants (highly recommended), a baseball jersey, a long sleeve baseball t-shirt for those cool spring nights at the park (highly recommended), a hat, a belt, an athletic supporter and a pair of baseball socks.  The pants are white.  Be sure to check with your manager before buying new pants for the season.   All divisions must wear rubber molded cleats.
Items your child needs that the league does not provide:
Belt (your manager will indicate which color you should buy)
Athletic Supporter
Rubber Molded Cleats
Glove (see below)
Bat Bag
Recommended: a long sleeve baseball t-shirt; windbreaker

Glove - a quality leather glove is a must. Vinyl and simulated leather gloves may be cheaper but tend to cause the player a great deal of frustration. It's impossible to form a pocket in gloves made of vinyl or simulated leather. Therefore the ball tends to pop out when the player attempts to catch it. 

Bat - Each team is provided with two bats by the league.  If you wish to purchase a bat at your own discretion, you should know that we do not allow "big barrel bats" in the lower division.  We use metal bats with barrels of 2 5/8" for all divisions (PINTO, MUSTANG, BRONCO & PONY) that must have the USABat stamp on the barrel. 

All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket, or sweatshirt to every game and practice. Especially early in the season.


Pacific Palisades Baseball Association
861 Iliff St 
Pacific Palisades, California 90272

Phone: 310-625-7220
Email: [email protected]

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